7 Ways You Can Love Your Family While You’re Still In School (And Beyond)


Ever feel like school or your work is swallowing you up?  Like that big fish from the book of Jonah.

Sometimes we wish it would just go ahead and spit us out.

Truth is, though, there are things – many things, actually – we can do to fight for balance and sanity. With God’s help, you can love your family while you’re still in school.


This is Part 3 of a four-part guest post series for the Emerging Scholars Network‘s (ESN) blog, a fantastic resource for connecting your life in Christ with your academic or professional training.

In Part 1 I explore the real reason we struggle so fiercely to balance our time at home with our academic work or professional training.  Part 2 tackles 3 specific, common issues behind that core struggle so we can fight against it more successfully.

And now, in Part 3, I share 7 practical ways we can love our families (or anyone) while we’re still in school.  (Hint: most of these apply even when you’re out in the working world, too.)

I’d love to hear other ideas you have in the comments section.


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