Planning & Productivity Resources

Recommended Resources

These are the resources and tools I use each day to stay organized, and (try to) accomplish the priorities the Lord has placed before me. Let's live Ephesians 5:15-17 out together!

Planning & Productivity

Best Year Ever by Michael Hyatt book cover

Goal-Setting: Best Year Ever by Michael Hyatt

This book lays out the annual goal-setting process I use each year. It's balanced, yet simple enough to do quickly. After setting goals, you can use the Full Focus Planner to help you live them out day-to-day. I've also developed a free template that walks you through the BYE planning process in a way that keeps God central. (While Hyatt is a believer, his planning process doesn't address this as his audience is fairly broad.)

Best Year Ever+ Template

Best Year Ever+ Template by Bryan Stoudt

I've developed a free template that walks you through the BYE planning process in a way that keeps God central. (While Hyatt is a believer, his planning process doesn't clearly integrate Christ because his audience is broad.) You can start any time; no need to wait for January 1st!

Full Focus Planner by Michael Hyatt

Full Focus Planner by Michael Hyatt

Of all the tools I use, this is the most important one for me. It helps me connect my bigger goals (what God is calling me to) with what I do on a weekly and daily basis. Jesus (truly) is everything, but practically this has helped me more than any other tool I use.

What's Best Next

What's Best Next: How The Gospel Transforms The Way You Get Things Done by Matt Perman (book)

Great with laying a solid, biblical foundation for how Christians think differently about productivity, but also very, very practical in helping you apply it. Detailed and thorough.

Free To Focus Michael Hyatt cover

Productivity & Focus: Free To Focus by Michael Hyatt

If you're like me, you probably feel pressure to work longer, and more efficiently. But that only goes so far, and I love the way this book helps you 'achieve more by doing less.' It's helped me simplify my work life, and give me more margin for everything else.


Task Management Software: Nozbe

This is where I keep track of my various projects, next steps, deadlines, etc. Great user-interface, and lots of features like categories, notifications, the ability to work with a team, and various integrations with other programs you probably use. Very reasonably-priced, recommended by Michael Hyatt. If you're just using it for yourself (or one other person), be sure to click on the 'personal' tab close to the top of the page.

Focus@Will Focus At Will music app

Music Optimized For Productivity: Focus@Will

When I'm doing important work, I canNOT listen to music with words, or I get distracted. At the same time, it's such a pain to put together playlists on Spotify or other music apps. And somehow, even a lot of the instrumental music is still distracting! Focus@Will is an evidence-based, instrumental music app that has allowed me to have far more consistent, productive days.

Deep Work by Cal Newport

Doing Work That Really Matters: Deep Work by Cal Newport (book)

Humanly-speaking, the key to following Christ at work each day - at least for knowledge workers - is the ability to carry out God's priorities for us each day while minimizing distractions. This book has helped with that more than anything else I've ever read.

Men, when something matters, we prepare for it.

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Discover the four essential areas you must pursue to make sure you're ready to date, lead and marry a godly woman in my online video course.
